The children's hospital successfully renews its gold accreditation!

Following the 2022 visit by the Accreditation Canada International organisation, the Queen Fabiola Children's University Hospital has had its Gold accreditation renewed for three years with a global score of 96.7%. ​ Committed to the spirit of continuous improvement for and with the children and adolescents they care for, it is to them that the hospital staff dedicate this new quality certification. ​ Today the HUDERF is a part of the Brussels University Hospital (H.U.B.), together with the Jules Bordet Institute and the Erasmus Hospital. This accreditation has been achieved as part of a vision of offering patients care and services of the highest quality.

No fewer than 2369 criteria were analysed during the visit, the Children's Hospital receiving a global score of 96.7%. Making strong progress since its first accreditation in 2019, the HUDERF also obtained a score of 97% for the Platinum level criteria and 78.7% for the Diamond level. A cornerstone of its strategy for continuous improvement, the renewal of the Gold accreditation is testimony to the excellence of the tertiary hospital dedicated entirely to children and adolescents that is continuing to root in its practices the criteria of international standards that are ever more demanding in terms of quality and safety. ​

Rewarded for the commitment of the teams for the patients

"Despite the pandemic, the desire of the teams to continue to progress was the motor for this new accreditation cycle. The very structuring accreditation approach makes it possible to genuinely anchor continuous improvement in the hospital culture, removing barriers to permit coordinated progress and stimulating the involvement of all. The visitors were full of praise for the desire to integrate the child as a central and strategic actor in his or her treatment. We are proud of this result and once again thank our teams for all their work accomplished during recent years hand-in-hand with the services shared with CHU Brugmann. We will continue to pursue this rewarding strategy at the heart of the H.U.B., drawing on all the experience that we can exchange between institutions. We dedicate this Gold accreditation to our patients!" explained Anna Groswasser, deputy general director of the H.U.B, of which the HUDERF is a part together with the Erasmus Hospital and the Jules Bordet Institute.

Continuous improvement at the heart of the H.U.B.'s strategy

Accreditation is an external assessment process carried out by independent experts according to internationally recognised standards. The standards relate to the total functioning and practices of the hospital, to all its sectors of activity and to all its professionals. In choosing to embark on an initial accreditation process in 2016, the HUDERF committed to a cultural approach to quality and safety. This same philosophy is an inherent part of the H.U.B.'s long-term development strategy. The Children's Hospital obtained its first GOLD certification in 2019 and now has its new label for the next three years, after which it will again be assessed. The Erasmus Hospital has also engaged in the accreditation process with the ACI, as has the Jules Bordet Institute with the international reference body for cancerology, the OECI. 


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