Four key moments to block in 2024


Dear Journalists,


2023 is drawing to a close and we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the interest you have shown in our innovations, our research, our specialisations and all we do to support our patients and provide them with care of the very highest quality. Your many requests have prompted us to launch 4 major press moments during which we will give you the opportunity to meet our specialists to find out more about particular subjects that could interest your readers. ​

These four thematic meetings will structure the H.U.B press moments without preventing you from contacting us on any other subjects. ​


The aim of this initiative is to present to you our doctors, researchers and teachers in a stimulating context complete with presentations, question and answer sessions and visits to sometimes exceptional facilities. ​


Four thematic meetings

  • Women’s health: on around 15 March
  • No holidays for your child’s health: end of June (3rd week) ​
  • The H.U.B at the forefront of neurology: beginning of October (1st week) ​
  • Look after your heart: beginning of December (1st week)



In practice

Women’s health

This subject will revolve principally around two events: the international day for women’s rights (08/03) and world endometriosis day (28/03). Two key dates that enable us to put the spotlight on pathologies and health problems that affect women.


No holidays for your child’s health

The summer holidays can sometimes mean neglecting your child’s health. On this occasion you will find a panel of specialists who are working for greater accessibility to and awareness of paediatric care.

The H.U.B at the forefront of neurology

This meeting is based in part on two world days that we are keen to highlight: world Alzheimer’s day (21/09) and world stroke day (21/09). We want to increase awareness of this very common form of dementia and on the risk of stroke that is the cause of a very high mortality in adults. ​


Look after your heart

Cardiovascular disease is one of the most important diseases in terms of mortality. With the arrival of the festive season, and the excesses with which it is associated, we would like to highlight the risks of alcohol abuse, obesity and also smoking. ​ ​



Clearly each of these themes will be supported by other subjects. A series of experts will be present at each event and will be pleased to inform you of the latest medical news, the latest practices, special activities of the H.U.B and other subjects that are dear to the H.U.B and that we consider to be of public interest.


A few weeks before the date we will send out an invitation presenting all the subjects to be discussed. We ask you to confirm your presence, the subjects you would like to cover (outside the press conference) and persons to whom you may want to put your questions. ​


We hope to see many of you at our first meeting in March. ​


In the meantime, we wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. ​


Best regards,

The H.U.B Communication Service ​



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